Weightlifting Club
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2/8 Wilmette Place
02 9970 655702 9970 6557
21 Raws Crescent, Canberra

Rogue Weightlifting Academy is Canberra’s one and only purpose built Olympic Weightlifting facility.

Weightlifting ACT promotes Olympic weightlifting as a healthy and enjoyable sport for people of all ages.

WACT is affiliated with the Australian Weightlifting Federation

27 Valletta Road,Kidmam Park

We are an association dedicated to the promotion of olympic weightlifting in South Australia. The lifts contested are the snatch and clean and jerk. Participants range from juniors to Masters.

We aim to promote the development of a healthy lifestyle, through being active. The association welcomes anyone who is interested.

We train at the South Australian Sports Institute (SASI) Monday to Friday 5pm to 7:30pm and Saturdays 9am to 11am. For more information contact the SA Weightlifting Club.

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The South Australian Drug Free Powerlifting Association is a competitive sporting body which is proudly affiliated with the World Drug Free Powerlifting Federation (WDFPF) and adhere to the Australian Sports Anti-doping Authority. We believe that all sport should be purely dependent on an athlete’s talent, determination, courage and honesty.

We currently hold 3 competitions in SA each year. Our association with WDFPF enables us to participate in State, National and World events.

In 2007 the home of SA Drug Free Powerlifting relocated from Adelaide to Barmera in the Riverland of South Australia and is open to men and women from 14 years onwards. As of the beginning of 2014, our new competition venue is the Cobdogla District Club, Rowe St, Cobdogla SA.

Visitors and spectators are always welcome at our events and training.

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