Croquet Club
Cnr Mann St & Adelaide Rd, Mt Barker
08 8398 674208 8398 6742
150 Caxon Street Milton, QLD 4064 Australia
07 3876 557607 3876 5576
Croquet Queensland is the registered name of Croquet Association Queensland Inc (CAQ), a non-profit organization. The object of CAQ is to promote, organise and develop the sport of Croquet in the State of Queensland.
Corner of Lindsay Street & Arthur Street East Toowoomba, QLD 4350 Australia
07 4636 663307 4636 6633
Toowoomba Croquet Club is in the Darling Downs region. We have 3 lawns and play all forms of mallet sports: Ricochet, Golf Croquet and Gateball.
Olivers Sporting Complex, Logan Street Eagleby, QLD 4207 Australia
07 3287 228407 3287 2284
Golf Croquet is strategic and challenging suitable for all ages and played world wide. We have 4 courts,playing Tues/Thurs/Sat morning non- profit, Club is 3yrs old starting with 7 players now 50 players modest cost to join and play.