Caving Club
Melbourne, VIC 3001 GPO Box 5425 Australia

Victoria contains over 800 known caves which may be broadly grouped as limestone caves, volcanic caves and marine caves.

Wangara DC, WA 6947 PO Box 1821 Australia

The Cave Exploration Group Western Australia (Inc) is a group of like minded people dedicated to having fun while exploring and documenting the caves of Western Australia in a responsible way.

PO Box 144 Rundle Mall, SA 5000 Australia

The Cave Exploration Group of South Australia (CEGSA) was established in 1955. The groups philosophy is to foster caving, speleology and the preservation of natural caves, with particular reference to South Australia.

South Australia

Formed in 1974, the original purpose of Flinders University Speleological Society Inc was to carry out scientific work at the Naracoorte Caves.

PO Box 209 Mole Creek, Tas. 7304 Australia Australia

The Mole Creek Caving Club is a diverse group of people who like to get underground on their days off. We go caving mostly at Mole Creek, Tasmania (Australia), but also in other cave areas in the state.

134 Davey Street Hobart, TAS 7000 Australia

Southern Tasmanian Caverneers (STC) Inc. was formed in December 1996 as an amalgamation of three former southern Tasmanian based recreational caving and cave science groups from which STC derives its name entity.

Mount Compass, South Australia, Australia

The Australasian Cave and Karst Management Association Inc. (ACKMA) is a professional association for all those responsible for, or interested in, planning and management of limestone landscapes and caves in the Australasian region.

PO Box 2277 Mount Waverley, VIC 3149 Australia

Explore the fascinating world of the underground with VSCT.

PO Box 67 Nedlands, WA 6909 Australia

The Western Australian Speleological Group (Inc)(WASG) was founded in 1959 and is still a very active caving club in Australia.

PO Box 156 Curtin, ACT 2605 Australia

Although not large by world standards the caves near the ACT often exhibit beautiful decoration, contain unusual speleological features and provide a habitat for cave dwelling bats and other fauna.

176 William Street Bankstown, NSW 2200 Australia

Formed in 1956, it is a national organisation consisting of about 30 clubs and 1100 individuals, where each full-member club has votes on the governing Council according to its size.

Science Road The University of Sydney, Camperdown NSW 2050 Australia

Just imagine a room the size of a cathedral, over 100m high and totally dark. Then a torch beam emerges through a small hole in the floor, shafting upwards to pick out the shapes of shimmering shawls and dripping stalactites.

Cathedral Street Chillagoe, QLD 4871 Australia
07 4094 703607 4094 7036

Our Caving Club is one of the larger caving clubs in Australia, and has been nationally and internationally recognised for some of the member activities, and the high standard of our caving publications.

PO Box 544 Mount Gambier, SA 5291 Australia

The main aims and objectives of the CDAA are to foster the development, advancement, promotion, mapping, education, exploration, conservation, safety and research of underwater caves and related features.

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