Apex Club
The club meets at Hoppers Crossing Club, Panham Drive. Meetings 1st and 3rd Monday’s at 7:30pm .
The club meets at 35 Grey Street, Terang VIC 3264. Meetings Wednesday Fortnightly at 7pm.
Te club meets at District 5, Ulladulla Bowling Club. Meetings First & Thrid Monday in every month from 6:30pm .
The club meets at Truganina Clubrooms.
The club meets at ongala Hotel. Meetings 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7:30pm .
The club meets at Paddle Boat Shed, Barnes Blvd Horsham VIC 3400. Meetings 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 6:30pm.
The club meets at NSW – District 3, Muswellbrook Workers Club. Meetings Fortnightly every Wednesday from 7pm.
The Ballarat-Eureka Apex club is a group of local volunteers who offer services and donations to individuals and groups within the community through of fundraising and labour. The club is located locally in Ballarat. Meetings are held twice a month, usually at an arranged venue.
The club meets at Jerilderie Hotel Meetings 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7:30pm .
The club may be reached thru PO Box 88, Wangaratta, VIC 3676. Meetings 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month.