The ClubSearch Symbol

The Clubsearch Icon
So what does this curious symbol mean?

Is it some type of hyrogliphic from a time gone by?

Is it a work of art adapted to reflect what this is all about?

The ClubSearch symbol or Icon came about quite by accident as the ClubSearch team worked tediously night and day to acheive our ultimate goal! A SMART goal at that! For those of you who are smart but don’t know what a SMART goal is I have googled it so we all know:

Specific – target a specific area for improvement.
Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.
Attainable – how the goal can be achieved.
Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources.
Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved.

Yes our goal met all of the criteria above, and time was of the essence – we needed a logo!

We went to all the popular hangouts for creating logo’s but we could not find any we liked, they were to crass, like MS Office clipart with a bit of Paint thrown in, however not to put the blame on others, perhaps we were just too fussy.

So after almost giving up and using a “crass” logo to represent all our hard work, while doodling and day-dreaming to rest from a brain drain day, the symbol appeared as if from a magical non physical dimension, there it was; on paper and in our minds, the icon was cast in our imaginations.

The team couldn’t believe their eyes, but I could believe mine! We did it!

So what does it mean? The infographic below explains:

clubsearch symbol infographic

ClubSearch Symbol Infographic


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