1047 Tripple M’s Roo & Ditts Sporting Club Reno

Great Opportunity for Sporting Clubs in South Australia. Roo & Ditts have kicked off ‘1047 Classic Triple M’s Roo and Ditts Sporting Club Reno’!

If you know of a Sporting Club that needs Roo & Ditts’ help for a clubroom makeover – anything from a new lick of paint, flooring, TV’s etc to give the club a fresh new look – tell them to register at http://www.triplem.com.au/adelaide/project-reno/

Roo & Ditts Club Reno

1047 Classic Triple M’s Roo & Ditts for Breakfast have teamed up with our mates at Toyota to give some love back to the community.

If you’re a Local Sporting Club in need of a re-vamp then this could be exactly what you need!

AFL, Soccer, Basketball, Cricket, Netball, even Surf Life Saving …basically any sporting club (Junior or Senior), this is your chance for 1047 Classic Tripple M and Toyota to give your club a much needed revamp.

It could be a small reno, painting, new carpet or even as simple as new TV’s to give the club a fresh look.

If your club could do with a hand from 1047 Classic Triple M and Toyota simply register your details and answer a few questions about your club and how we can help below, It’s that simple.

One lucky club will be selected and we’ll be turning up with our Reno Army to help fix your club.


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