
Welcome Clubs & Everyone.

Club Blog what is it? Club Blog is awesome! It is where Clubs can inform, present & future Club members can be informed and everyone can interact.

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List of First-Class Australian Club Cricket Teams

Just like the Australian Football League (AFL), cricket is also an insanely popular sport in Australia. In fact, cricket is the only sport that generates equal interests across the nation. An astounding record 1,311,184 cricket players and participants we...

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4 Best Australian Wine Clubs this 2016

No matter what the celebration is, we cannot deny that our festive celebration will never be complete without a glass of wine. There is that feeling of self-fulfillment as you reward yourself with a glass of wine as you commemorate an important occasion i...

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Happy New Year 2016!

Happy New Year to all our members, friends and guests! Now that the New Year 2016 is fast approaching, what is your New Years Resolution? If you want to “Get Fit” or “Meet New People” or even “Self Improvement” or whate...

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An invitation to become an Awesome Club

Become part of an AWESOME CLUB! Join Club Search Now! Any Club anywhere in Australia! You can become an awesome CLUB simply by signing up to a great value GOLD Membership on Club Search. With your membership you can reach a huge “potential new membe...

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Attention Australian Clubs and Club Owners

A lot of people ask what is the Australian Club all about? Well, let me shed a light on the matter and make you understand the point. Each and every one of us has something that we are interested in and stuff which we love to do. Just like either how we ...

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